ROOF Street Designs

Welcome to ROOF (Reaching Our Outdoor Friends) Street Designs. This social enterprise, following the ROOF Lunchbox program, offers youths with interest for artistic/graphic design to utilize and honour their gifts. Being expressive by nature, we encourage their creativity on saleable merchandise. Through our Street Designs program, we are able to offer a fantastic array of merchandise. Our products are designed and manufactured by ROOF clients. The youths involved in this social enterprise program are employed by ROOF, gain valuable skills and receive various certifications that will help them obtain employment in the community.

The experience gained by participating in a social enterprise program is important as the youths contemplate their future and potential careers. While being employed at ROOF they participate in weekly workshop hours increasing their knowledge and ability to make beneficial decisions at their job and in daily life. With transferrable employment skills youths have the opportunity to feel more prepared to enter other work stations. Youths who once felt un-employable or under-employed now have an opportunity to use their skills for equitable employment in the field of graphic designs, printing, advertising, promotion, sales, retail, and customer service.

Street Designs products are marketed at local venues throughout the region. They can be purchased from our website or by contacting us via phone. 519-742-2788